CIOs in Tandem with CMOs
The recent proclamation by analyst Laura McLellan that by 2017, the CMO will spend more on IT than the CIO, has set the Marketing as well as the Technological sector abuzz, reports Robert Rose of Digital Clarity Group.
This discovery has put the spotlight on the two on-going trends in technology/marketing arena. Firstly, it is crystal clear that the markets of today are mostly technology driven. Michael Lazerowe has attested to it as he advocates acquisition of his company Buddy Media.
Secondly, it has highlighted the cardinal requirement for both the CIO and the CMO to work hand in hand in order to generate a more fruitful outcome of this dexterous companionship. But there seems to be a third angle to which we are unheeding to.
We are not considering the very fact - why are CMO’s spending more on technology?
No CMO that has ever been approached to will adhere to the view that a particular market is underperforming due to dearth in technology. In fact, what seems to be the primal reason curtailing all the expenditure is that the CMOs are making a beeline for all the available technologies and make a formidable assessment of the most clinical trend that will suit the company dynamics in an optimized manner.
This doesn’t necessarily mean the extinction of marketing-focused products as enterprise solutions such as Content Management, Big Data Analytics, Social Listening and Sales Force Automation if blended along with the market friendly trends, can still play an instrumental role as a enabler of large business in this otherwise ‘conversation market.’
As such, it is imperative for the CIOs to lend a helping hand to the CMOs in order to identify the technologies that propagates the business and welcome this novel trend which may give rise to a new partnership that may continue to facilitate the organization in the future.