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The Unification of CIOs And CMOs

By SiliconIndia   |   Thursday, September 6, 2012
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Bangalore: After much deliberation, it must be unanimously agreed upon that a partnership between the CIO and the CMO lies in the best interest of the company. The analogous relationship between the CIO and the CMO cannot be discounted for as both seem to be drawn by a common criterion – technology, reports Yuchun Lee of Clickz.

Being technical and introvert essentially marked the essence of a CIO where he was required to guarantee an infrastructure that was both secure and dependable. On the other hand, a CMO was judged by his creativity and extrovert nature where his primary job detail was to ensure flexibility with respect to the changing market conditions as well as the consumer’s needs.

But with the passage of time and advent of neoteric technologies such as social media and mobile devices, these traits have been amalgamated where each individual is required to accommodate the interest of the other which has become a prerequisite for the overall progress of the company.

Also from the point of view of the consumers, marketing executives have to be more persuasive in their nature as consumers of today rely on numerous channels like social media and peers/family before making a purchase. In this regard, technology can play a decisive role for CMOs enabling them to make the right choice in reaching out to the target market; and to do that CIOs can lend a helping hand to the CMOs in order to identify the technologies that propagate the business.

Thus, it can safely be concluded that CIOs who understand the implications of technology can guide the CMOs to overcome technological barriers in order to generate maximum revenue for an enterprise.

P.S. This relationship has been sanctioned by Center for Applied Insights, just FYI.

Experts on CIO
Rajesh  Thanua
Sr. Manager - IT
Carzonrent India
Muralidhara H. S.
Head IT
TTK Prestige
B. V. Meshram
Shipping Corporation
Sudeep  Misra
Head of Marketing
Neo Group Inc.
Nirav  Kamdar
IT Officer
IDA Trading
Vineet  Kansal
Director - IT
Isidorio  Fernandes
Sr. VP Technology
Sudhanshu  Kela
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