Corporations in sync with Social Media
Organizations have found an ingenious way to market their products and ideas. According to Telsyte research, around 30percent of the corporate have switched to social media links on advertising material in lieu of company URL’s. Still 15 percent of the CIO’s are contemplating on generating an enterprise social network. This is solely because of the consumer’s affinity towards social media.
Rodney Gedda, a senior analyst of Telsyte, was quoted in ComputerWorld Australia, "Social networks promote better collaboration but they are also popular with company marketing departments who use them as channels to get closer to customers. Company news, offers and customer feedback are all being facilitated by public social networks which are another channel alongside traditional forms of marketing and online applications."
A discreet advantage of social media within an enterprise is that it resolves, to some extent, the issue of privacy and security as information is exclusively accessible to the employees within that organization.
However, according to the report of Telsyte’s Australian Enterprise Social Media Study 2012, which surveyed more than 800 CIO’s, only 33 percent had a social media policy although 70 percent of them goad their employees to use social media with a view to find novel ways to utilize it in their workplace.
With the advent of social media, IT and marketing managers should champion the use of social medias customer interaction can facilitate an organization to connect internally to facilitate open communication and also for external marketing. They should conduct a proper investigation as to how social media can be advantageous as a new channel - from marketing to collaboration.
Nevertheless, for companies that do use social media as a means to connect to their target customers has to make sure they do not neglect their own online channels as it would create a negative impact on the company. In this regard, IT and marketing managers have to play a pivotal role.
In an era, where a large demographic is hooked on to social networking sites, this innovative way of corporate to advertise their products is sure to create an impact. At this rate, companies may soon need to come up with a more formidable social media policy. IT and marketing managers have to excavate neoteric ways to advocate financial spend on enterprise social media networks in the next AGM.