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CIOs Eyeing Data Virtualization

By SiliconIndia   |   Friday, November 16, 2012
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Bangalore: Data virtualization is rapidly becoming a favorite among CIOs, especially as it solves majority of the data integration problems that BI brings forth. And with Forrester Research predicting $8 million expenditure on it in the coming year, it shouldn’t come as a surprise if data virtualization plays a predominant role in the decisions of CIOs in the next five years, reports Wendy Schuchart of TechTarget.

At the Gartner Symposium ITxpo, Gartner analyst David Cappuccio projected the trends and technologies that will mould the future of IT. And by 2017, data virtualization will be a trend to watch out for.

David, while outlining the fact of third level virtualized data centers are making in IT, states, “We will see more  possibilities in the future where the ‘fabric’ will eventually have the intelligence to analyze its own properties against policy rules that create optimum paths, change them to match changing conditions, and do so without requiring laborious parameter adjustments.”

Moreover, with data virtualization, one can integrate data from various sectors and not only organize but also analyze them in real-time. The quality of data is also enhanced with the help of virtualization. Implementation process can also be carried out at a much faster rate with data virtualization.

As Philip Howard, Bloor Research aptly points out, “The bottom line is that it is difficult to think of any enterprise that could not profitably use Data Virtualization in one scenario or another and, quite possibly, to support multiple use cases.”

And that INDEED is the bottom line!

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