CIO's Top 5 Mobility Questions
With iPad and iPad2, BlackBerrys and all manner of iPhones, Androids and Smartphones hitting the market, mobility management strategies has become one of the major concerns for mid market CIOs.
Michael King, former Gartner analyst, has been appointed the principal mobile strategist by Appcelerator.
In his recent report in, Michael king brings to light the five most asked mobility questions from enterprise IT leadership and their answers:
1. What sort of context should I integrate into my mobile applications, and how do I do it?
Context enabled services enable more compelling interactions on the devices. And the focus for the CIOs should be how these apps, and the context they provide, can enable us to provide better experiences for our end users, even when they aren't actively using the application.
2. How do I enable 'bring your own device' (BYOD) and help employees actually use them?
BYOD was big news last year. And, the question of concern for CIOs was "should I?" and not "how do I do it better?" Like it or not, users are bringing their own tablets, smartphones, and in some cases PCs. They also connect these devices to the corporate WLAN and access the enterprise information resources sometimes securely and sometimes less securely. So, as an IT leader, it is the duty of CIOs to enable these users to have compelling, secure, and prolific application access so they can actually use these devices to get work done.
3. How do I handle this massive device proliferation with a constant stream of new tablets, ultrabooks, and other non-PC devices?
Every year, we can see a constant stream of new tablets, ultrabooks, and other non-PC devices emerging out in the market. And all these devices will lack any sort of consistency when it comes to OS, display, or even input capabilities. So, we need to understand, while none of these devices are going to replace to the PC, its important to realize how they fit into a work stream and what are the best ways to provide rich, optimized experiences for both employees and customers, in a cost effective, manageable way.
4. I've got a B2C strategy, what's next?
After Business to customer strategy, leading organizations and IT managers have been working to mobilize customer interactions both transactional and informational. This is cannot be possible with old platform approaches. So, the enterprises are looking at more open, mobile platforms, plus cloud-based approaches.
5. Who builds these mobile apps for me and how should they do it?
Most of the IT organizations have the long term desire to bring the development of mobile applications in-house. Ideally the organizations go for a third party vendor to build these mobile applications who use their own design paradigms, making it impossible to provide a branded look and feel. This issue can be mitigated somewhat with an enforced enterprise standard for development platforms. This standard should be included in the sourcing documents and enforced during the development process.
Michael King, former Gartner analyst, has been appointed the principal mobile strategist by Appcelerator.
In his recent report in, Michael king brings to light the five most asked mobility questions from enterprise IT leadership and their answers:
1. What sort of context should I integrate into my mobile applications, and how do I do it?
Context enabled services enable more compelling interactions on the devices. And the focus for the CIOs should be how these apps, and the context they provide, can enable us to provide better experiences for our end users, even when they aren't actively using the application.
2. How do I enable 'bring your own device' (BYOD) and help employees actually use them?
BYOD was big news last year. And, the question of concern for CIOs was "should I?" and not "how do I do it better?" Like it or not, users are bringing their own tablets, smartphones, and in some cases PCs. They also connect these devices to the corporate WLAN and access the enterprise information resources sometimes securely and sometimes less securely. So, as an IT leader, it is the duty of CIOs to enable these users to have compelling, secure, and prolific application access so they can actually use these devices to get work done.
3. How do I handle this massive device proliferation with a constant stream of new tablets, ultrabooks, and other non-PC devices?
Every year, we can see a constant stream of new tablets, ultrabooks, and other non-PC devices emerging out in the market. And all these devices will lack any sort of consistency when it comes to OS, display, or even input capabilities. So, we need to understand, while none of these devices are going to replace to the PC, its important to realize how they fit into a work stream and what are the best ways to provide rich, optimized experiences for both employees and customers, in a cost effective, manageable way.
4. I've got a B2C strategy, what's next?
After Business to customer strategy, leading organizations and IT managers have been working to mobilize customer interactions both transactional and informational. This is cannot be possible with old platform approaches. So, the enterprises are looking at more open, mobile platforms, plus cloud-based approaches.
5. Who builds these mobile apps for me and how should they do it?
Most of the IT organizations have the long term desire to bring the development of mobile applications in-house. Ideally the organizations go for a third party vendor to build these mobile applications who use their own design paradigms, making it impossible to provide a branded look and feel. This issue can be mitigated somewhat with an enforced enterprise standard for development platforms. This standard should be included in the sourcing documents and enforced during the development process.
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