Abstaining Innovation Invites Destruction.
New Realms are opening up for CIO's with the advent of innovative neoteric technologies such as social networking, big data and enterprise mobility. As such, modern – age CIO’s are expected to make the most out of these emerging technologies along with the execution of the responsibilities of traditional IT manager, reports Petra Jorgenson of Midsize Insider.
Quite a flutter was created when IBM's Watson outwitted recognized Jeopardy champions Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter once again cementing the need to contemplate on structured and unstructured data through supercomputers.
Mediocre sized organizations vying to move up a notch in the technological sector will have to excavate CIO's who not only comprehends but also foresees the dormant potential in big data, enabling the Marketing and IT sectors traverse synchronically which in turn have a positive influence on sales as well as on business intelligence.
"Having [big] data is not for the CFO anymore," said Dan Sheehan, Chief Operating Officer of Modell's Sporting Goods." That is looking in the rearview mirror. With the emergence of supercomputing, product, sales, and service analysis will soon be a joint effort between multiple departments.
Still some of the midsized companies are not too enthusiastic or receptive towards these changing trends in IT citing company policies. Panelists at the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium were of the opinion that organizations that are unwilling to adapt to these novel craze in the technological sector are most likely to fall back and end up as mere spectators in this cut-throat competition cropping up in the IT sector.
A 2011 report from enterprise mobility provider iPass ascertained that trends such as BYOD boosted the employees to inject more of their time to the organization. Furthermore, a study by EMF attested that BYOD automatically results in cost cutting in the IT department. Then,
the million dollar question is, literally; why is the resentment?
The crux is that there is a grand buffet of technological trends out there for gobbling and it is solely up to the CIO's which one to digest and which one to pass not only for the greater benefit of the organization but also for its survival. Dessert can wait!