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What Lays Ahead for CIOs?

By SiliconIndia   |   Friday, November 23, 2012
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Bangalore: The rate at which neoteric trends are squeezing its way into the workplace seems that the CIOs have to reanalyze their strategies in order to deal with the new challenges that they would be confronted with. According to an infographic by CISCO, the virtual hurdles that a CIO has to scale have been panned out in a very comprehensible way.

From supporting revenue growth to controlling costs, from consumerization to digitization, a CIO has to evolve not only to ensure its own survival but also to propel the boat of IT to safery in the midst of this technology storm.

As David Aron, analyst at Gartner aptly states, “Consumerisation and cloud computing will potentially slim down the CIO role but the digitization of the world and development of the internet, for example, will create opportunities. What consumerisation takes away, digitization gives back.”

As such, a contemporary CIO has to identify the trends that will be most viable for the organization as a whole.


Experts on CIO
Rajesh  Thanua
Sr. Manager - IT
Carzonrent India
Muralidhara H. S.
Head IT
TTK Prestige
B. V. Meshram
Shipping Corporation
Sudeep  Misra
Head of Marketing
Neo Group Inc.
Nirav  Kamdar
IT Officer
IDA Trading
Vineet  Kansal
Director - IT
Isidorio  Fernandes
Sr. VP Technology
Sudhanshu  Kela
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