The Fast-Evolving World of IT Leadership
Bangalore: Innovative trends such as Cloud and BYOD are catching up with feverish pitch with companies all over the world as they have finally come to understand the positive implications associated with them. Moreover, with the consumerization of IT, these new technologies proved as useful tools for CIOs to adapt to the changing environment in the IT sector, reports CSC.
A survey was conducted among more than 330 IT with half of the participants IT managers in their respective companies, alongside IT directors and CIOs exploring the innovative trends prevailing in the contemporary IT sector.
The report says, “Certain IT managers feel threatened by the outsourcing principle relating to cloud computing. They fear that business leaders may perceive cloud computing as a way to bypass IT departments,” as stated in
The report extensively explored the pros and cons of Cloud Computing among other emerging trends such as Big data and BYOD and its impact in creating a more sustainable environment for the IT sector.
The following infographic was compiled by CSC related to the above report: