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Nirav Kamdar
Nirav Kamdar
IT Officer,IDA
Insight of My Company and its IT Strategies
IDA Trading Foundation is 7 years old company. We are running Exchange for mailing solution. Our servers are virtualized now, planning for desktop Visualizing. We are running Microsoft Dynamic Navision CRM.

Views on new technologies
We have implemented VMWARE for server Virtualization. We are looking for oracle / HP /other brand for Thin Clint.

Resources to Keep Updated with Latest Technologies
I like to read IT Magazine, Meet different people from IT Background. Understand their scenario & discuses the alternatives.This makes me updated with new things.

Biggest Pain Point
Desktop spares, server crash, high Latency / internet downtime, Travel cost, High printing cost

Technology to Address Pain Points
Desktop spares -He have kept few additional desktop as a standby, but planning to implement ThinClient.
Server crash- We have virtualized our server through VMWARE.
High Latency / internet downtime- We chose the Best ISP Tata Communication.

Travel cost- As our head office is in Netherland & the only big branch in Mumbai, there was frequent travel. – We have used Tandberg & Polycom Video conference system & both the end.
High printing cost – We are using recycled cartridge for rough use/ single use printing. 

Challenges Faced
Biggest challenge is Data leakage from users.

Adoption of Cloud Policy
We have virtualized our server through VMWARE.

Role of Cloud
We believe cloud is good but where ever security of data is concerned its still a?

Expenses on IT Systems
The annual IT budget that we spent on IT systems 65 Lacs.

IT Leader – Manager First or Technologist First
IT leader has to be Technologist first.

ROI on the Technology
R.O.I is 500 – 900% in most of the cases.

Latest Technology
We are looking for Thinclient.

Advice/ Suggestion
Inform the user about new changes & future planning.  Let know CEO about new technology while having coffee / Lunch.
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