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Learning New Business Goals with Cloud Computing By:- M V J Sastry

"A rugged risk analysis optimization should be undertaken duly taking into account the vital security aspects"


Cloud computing – security aspects
Evolution of Cloud Computing is influenced by the important developments in Architectural and technological changes in space. Business expansion, horizontal scaling, virtualization, high scalability architecture, consolidation, web applications etc have huge influence on cloud architecture. It is going to be the integral component of any organization in future. Organizations
are realizing that cloud computing is changing the IT without expending the time and resources in establishment, configuration, deployment of new systems and its maintenance including its regular updation.

Essential Characteristics Of Cloud Computing
• Broad network access from a variety of devices or platforms such as mobiles, desktops, laptops, workstations etc.
• Rapid elasticity and scalability that allows functionalities and resources
• Automatic control and optimization of resource allocation.
• On demand self service to measure computing capabilities.
• Availability of various products like hardware, software, processing, printing, service, networking etc. at one place with Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.

Major Challenges in Cloud Computing
• Infrastructure such as server space, operating systems, hardware, networking etc may not available at one place (Distributed).
• Availability of the network and contingencies.
• DR availability for the Service Provider in case of Disaster at service provider end.
• Security of the Infrastructure.
• Regulatory compliance with the Law of the Land both of the user as well as the service provider.
• Location/ Infrastructure/ Backup of the service provider.
• Access control required by the organization translated into the cloud.
• Encryption standards and data segregation techniques.
• RTO and RPO of the organization to be taken care by the service provider.
• SLA between the organization and the service provider.
• Legal frame-work cross border agreements.

While opting for Cloud, the cost factor Analysis aligning with the Business goals must be studied. Further, a rugged risk analysis optimization should be undertaken duly taking into account the vital security aspects.