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Monitoring Transfer Of Data To Develop Effective DLP By:- Dilip K Prasad

"No matter the current state of the content and data usage, one needs to start small when rolling out a data loss prevention solution"

Building an effective DLP program
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is critical security component in today’s environment for any enterprise and part of business security framework. To drive DLP, it is very important to have overall understanding of DLP technology and their approaches. At the same time, effective deployments of data loss prevention technology must be rolled out slowly and in stages to prevent disruption to end users and reduce the number of alerts that could overburden IT operation.

With data loss prevention products, you can protect your sensitive information and make sure that your entire network stays secure. DLP solutions aim to reduce your risk and keep your IT system usable and nimble. But that doesn’t mean they are easy to implement. With more technologies being used to access valuable data – like mobile devices – there are more opportunities for data loss.

Since DLP is customized to each organization’s individual goals and networks, it can be difficult to find a one-size fits all solution. Many IT departments find it much simpler to solve problems step by step than use an all-over approach.

Content Monitoring
Monitoring how data is being transferred and used is an essential part of developing a data loss prevention plan and finding the right solutions. The IT department needs to meet with management and other department heads to understand the most important content and security risks.

No matter the current state of the content and data usage, one needs to start small when rolling out a data loss prevention solution. DLP products can cover a large number of security risks, but implementing a solution into an existing corporate network takes time after the initial steps have been implemented, the IT team can roll out a DLP solution until the whole network is secure. Unified messaging has been a first ideal focus for DLP. Although most IT departments have security procedures for email, it’s important to make sure this type of content sharing is controlled. Emails between colleagues and to third parties can be a big source of data risk. Server side email protection can help manage data and ensure that there aren’t security holes that are putting your organization at risk

Email isn’t the only place that content is shared, which means that there are other DLP risks associated with content of all types. Today, content is shared across networks and with outside parties more frequently than ever before. Content control solutions that protect individual attachments can help prevent unwanted sharing and keep content secure no matter where it is opened.

Mobile Content Security
DLP can be used for mobile data and content sharing. Mobile access can be controlled with server side protocols, as well as a clear BYOD policy and content control solutions that monitor
how content is opened. Data loss prevention is a complex set of strategies, but with a best practices approach and the right DLP tools, organization can ensure that data is secure.