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Technology Trends Impacting Enterprise Business Environment By:- Ashish Shah

"Technologies are significant to support business growth while meeting security and compliance"

New ways of working implies the need for newer management practice. Increasingly,  employees work outside the office - from customer sites, at home or on the road, further they want to work in convenient yet productive manner. Speed to market, work with partners and suppliers is adding necessity for technology and process adoption to provide wide open access to the information system. While access to Information Systems is provided to meet business needs, IT also requires preventing data loss, ensuring confidentiality and compliance through adequate security controls. This is where IT has to perform a balancing act and establish right approach in selection of controls and set of processes.

Implementing BYOD is inevitable on account of technology advancement in “smart” devices and changing habit of workforce. IT teams should define policy stating clear accountability and ownership. For example, ownership of device should be with the user, but ownership of data should be with the company. Policies should be enforced via legal and technological means to protect the sensitive corporate data residing on devices.

Desktop Virtualization is another technology that helps maintain the required security while providing users with IT resources. Centralized application and data can be provided with secure access to anyone, and anywhere. It can prevent data from residing on endpoints by delivering applications, and data in virtualized form.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and desktop virtualization are two technologies which one side addresses the requirement of providing flexibility and mobility to the business and the security on the other. Both technologies are significant to support business growth while meeting security and compliance.