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Flexible And Easy Database Solutions By:- Aruna Rao

"Challenges Around Data Protection Have Changed Significantly Over The Past Few Years"

Building an effective DLP programme
Challenges around data protection have changed significantly over the past few years. And today, organizations are struggling to identify and protect sensitive information within their environments. And this is where DLP solutions come into play.

An effective DLP solution should address different data leakage areas such as:
• Data-in-motion (traveling across the network)
• Data-in-use (being used at the endpoints)
• Data-at-rest (sitting idle in storage)

It should be noted that most of the DLP solutions in the market offer similar capabilities. The success of the DLP implementation relies heavily on the strategy and approach adopted by the organization in implementing the DLP Program.

The Vendor’s vision and road map for data loss prevention is critical. Following are some of the important considerations:
• Rich database of policies which are flexible and easy to implement. The vendor should update the policies on a frequent basis
• Flexibility of integration with security technologies such as IRM, data encryption, etc.
• Proactive identification and providing solutions for new areas of data leakage such as mobile devices

Ensuring Social Media as an asset for business

The widespread consumer acceptance of social media has decisively changed the way businesses interact with their customers. The evolution of social media offers significant opportunities and challenges.

An Organization should assess its social media goals. Following are some of the pointers:
• Objectives of using social media
• Aligning social media strategy with organization’s vision
• Growth and benefit potential of using social media

Once the objectives are defined, the organization should undertake risk assessment to identify and quantify the risks associated with social media and put a policy and governance framework.

Applications of social media include customer relationship management, customer insight, customer acquisition and customer experience and innovation. it can also used for customer education on managing security while conducting online transactions etc.

However, these benefits need to be balanced against the possible risks associated with social media such as privacy violations. In addition, social media programs need to be managed closely and sensitively since a negative customer comment has the potential of going viral in a short time impacting a firm’s image and reputation.