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Virupaksha H S

Virupaksha H S

DGM - Information Systems & Planning
Ace Manufacturing Systems
Insight of My Company and its IT Strategies

ACE Manufacturing Systems ( is one of the largest manufacturer of CNC Machines in India. Our IT strategies is to enable and accelerate the decision making process of managers using business systems and product engineering tools.

Views on Cloud and Virtualization
They can help manufacturing companies to focus on their business and leverage the IT expertise available out side.
Keeping up with Latest Technology
Interaction with peers,attending seminars,communication from product development companies,through internet.
Team Size
5 members.
Biggest Pain Point
Non availability of all the in house skill sets for complete IT management.
Slowdown Impact on IT Innovation
Yes, during boom, this innovation will yield results.We can manage the sudden growth, if we had implemented the processes earlier.
Challenges Faced
Security, Backup, Recovery, Managing growth.

Expenses on IT Systems
Need based , no percentage fixed.
Relationship Between CIOs and CEOs
A CIO should be driver for CEO to accelerate business growth.
Advice/ Suggestion
Think global, act local.

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